April 30, 1991 Found COMMENIA
  December 20, 1991 Developed Graphic Editor Suchewha 1.1 version (For Dos).
  June 22,1992 Won the silver prize in the Korean Software Competition, 1992
  August 1,1992 Changed the company name to Hansol Computer Inc.
  December 5, 1992 Developed the integrated file management program, Manmulsang 1.0 (for DOS)
  February, 1993 Developed software only for mechenical parking systme. (for DOS)
  June, 1993  Developed Suchewha 2.0. (for DOS)
  June, 1993 Developed Typing Trainer 1.0 for typing practice program. (for DOS)
  June, 1993 Developed Gerimjabi 1.0. (for DOS)
  October, 1993 Contracted with Sambo Computer Inc. to supply Suchewha2.0
(Epson scanner bundle)
  June 24, 1994 Developed Suchewha 2.5.
  June 24, 1994 Manmulsang 2.0 development
  December, 1994 Contracted with Sambo Computer Inc. to supply Suchewha2.5
(Epson printer bundle)
  January, 1995 Contracted with Hansoft Inc. to supply Suchewha 2.5. (Hansoft Hangul bundle)
  October 25, 1995 Autobase 1.0 development for Automation authoring tool (for DOS)
  April 20, 1996 Autobase 1.5 development for Automation authoring tool (for Windows)
  October 30, 1996 Autobase 2.0 development for Automation authoring tool
  March 31, 1997 Autobase 2.5 development
  June 16, 1997 Suchewha 3.0 development (for Windows 95/NT)
  March 23, 1998 Autobase 3.0 development
  August 10, 1998 Autobase 4.0 development
  February 18, 1999 Autobase 5.0 development
  Autbust 21, 1999 Autobase 6.0 development
  June 21, 2000 Changed the company name to AUTOBASE Inc.
  June 30, 2000 Opened the Internet Web Site (http://www.hansolt.com).
  December 26, 2000 Autobase 7.0 development
  September 30, 2002 Autobase 8.0 development
  June 24, 2003년 Released AUTOBASE Web Server. (Verion 8.2)
  August 29, 2003 Modified the official homepage of AUTOBASE to ( http://www.autobase.biz ).
  April 1, 2005 Autobase 9.0 is launched.
  July 20, 2005 HANSOL,TEC Inc. is certificated as a venture business.
  January 5, 2007 Moved to a larger office, SKn Techno Park in Sungnam.
  July 1, 2009 Autobase 10 is launched.
  September, 2024 Working on developing Autobase 11





CEO  Do Yul Kim

Foundation   April 30, 1991

Items  Remote Control System, Software Development, Etc.(Development and Sales for Autobase, automation software, internal and oversea)

Headquarter 1201, Biz Center,  SKnTechnopark, 124, Sagimakgol-ro,
Jungwon-gu, Seongnam Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Rep of KOREA Tel:+82.31.776.0800